Monday, August 11, 2008

Buttermilk Pancakes

So over the years, I've adapted pancake recipes from many sources. I remember pancakes being one of the first things my Mom let me make myself for breakfast when I was kid. (Actually, I think the FIRST thing I made for breakfast was when I plugged in the electric skillet, at FOUR years old mind you, and filled it half full of oil, and peeled four bananas and was happily frying them when my horrified Mother got up and ruined my fun)

Anyhow, I've tried with milk, buttermilk, water, with eggs, without eggs, with cottage cheese, with cinnamon, various measurements of leavening agents and whatever. Below, is my favorite Buttermilk Pancake Recipe. Credit goes to a number of folks on Recipezaar and Epicurious over the years.

2 eggs
1/2 c milk
1 1/2 c buttermilk
2 Tbsp butter, melted
1 2/3 c all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbl vanilla extract
1 tbl sugar

In a large bowl whisk eggs, butter, vanilla and milks. (ALWAYS add the melted butter, along with the sugar it makes them beautifully browned.) Add the baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar and mix thoroughly. Then add the flour and stir. No need to overmix. I prefer a thinner batter, so add a touch of buttermilk if too thick.

Heat a griddle or iron skillet to medium heat and lightly oil or grease with a little butter. Let it heat thoroughly. You might try throwing a few drops of water onto it. If they immediately skip, hiss, and evaporate, it's the right temperature. Pour batter into the pan to the circumference you desire for each pancake.

Let cook on one side until bubbles appear on the side facing you and turn over. Cook for 30 seconds, and transfer to plate. Heat plate and store in the oven at 250 degrees to keep them warm as you continue baking.

Serve with butter, syrup, or fruit or honey or whatever you like.



  1. Your poor mother!
    These look wonderful. My kids dearly love pancakes and until now I've not had a particular recipe I stuck with. I will definitely be trying this one this coming weekend. I know it will be wonderful. The pics are making my stomach growl!

  2. I've got to admit, these look like the pinnacle of pancakedom! Beautiful, golden, fluffy. YUM.

    Thanks for stopping by at BURP! You've given me another place to visit with regularity!

  3. Thanks for stopping by The Repressed Pastry Chef - I am going to try out this recipe... and... I cannot wait!!!

    Have a delicious day :)

  4. These look like my momma's pancakes.


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