Friday, March 26, 2010

Soy Source and Me

Yes, Soy Source, not Soy Sauce.   Soy Source is the name of a local Seattle newspaper published for the Japanese community. Nice play on words I thought.

Why do I bring this up. Well because I met the editor for the paper, Teruyo, and she wanted to do piece on men who cook for her paper. I agreed and she and a photographer came by the house one day and I made Cinnamon Swirl Bread while they interviewed me. The bread literally translated is Shinamonroru.

Anyway, it was published today and although totally in Japanese, is kind of cool I thought. It's not The Food Network, but gosh, I never thought about being published in anything.

Here's the link:  Soy Source

I'm kinda liking this blogging thing, ya know?

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