Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grilled Balsamic Avocado

Summertime and it's BBQ time. What grill side dishes do you like to make along with your ribs, burgers, steaks, etc?  Corn on the cob?  Grilled tomatoes? How about grilled onions?  Sure, they are all great.

But I just came across an easy, quick, absolutely knock-out killer grill side dish.

Two words:   Grilled Avocado!   Yup, grill up some avocado. Here's how:

Take one or two Hass Avocados. Split in half and remove the seed. Use a paring knife and cut squares into the avocado inside the skin.  Then take a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and sprinkle into the crevices of each half.

Sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper.

Place skin side down right over the high heat of the coals or gas. Let cook for approximately 5 minutes. The squares of avocado will actually start to puff a bit inside the skin. Actually, the photo in this post was untouched. The chunks of avocado move around in the heat.

Remove and serve immediately.

I simply cannot describe to you how delicious these are. And they make such a GREAT accompaniment to any BBQ outing.



  1. Wow so easy, next time I grill I am making these since my toddler loves too of course.

  2. Very delicious. I loved to eat variety of item. Your dish is too lovely to eat. I will must prepare this and eat

  3. My mouth is watering. I love, love, love avocado! I can't wait to try this out.

  4. Made these this weekend, they were great!

  5. Suh-weet! I'm glad you like them... I've made them twice since I posted it.

  6. What a great idea! I have to try these.


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