Thursday, August 5, 2010

Straight Up Egg Salad

Look, I know it's a lame photo. What happened was, I made a half a sandwich, photographed it, and then ate it. It was DELICIOUS!   So I made another half, and this time I loaded it up with the salad.....but didn't take photos. So this photo is merely a "ghost" of what YOUR sandwich could look like.

But here's the other thing.  As I looked at my lame photo, I realized it kinda makes ya wanna make an egg salad sandwich, and make a BETTER and BIGGER one. So, I think the photo works in a longing kind of enticing way.   Was that strange to say?   ha ha....

One of my favorite sandwiches is Egg Salad. I've tried recipe after recipe for years and like some, and not too crazy about most of them. I especially find I don't like the egg salad recipes that have ingredient after ingredient. So I tried messing around with the ingredients I know I like in my egg salad, along with another new one, and I loved it. This is probably my go-to egg salad recipe from now on. Check it out.

4 large eggs
3 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon chopped chives
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 teaspoons Smoked (Sweet) Paprika

that's it!  Quick and easy and delicious, especially after the flavors blend overnight.

Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Turn off and gently add the eggs into the water. Cover pan, remove from heat, and let sit for exactly seven minutes. (Yup, seven minutes, perfectly done egg for egg salad, you'll see) Immediately drain hot water and replace with cold water to arrest the cooking process.

Peel eggs, and using a fork, mash into smallish pieces in a bowl. Add the balance of ingredients and mix thoroughly.


On the bread of your choice, spread a thick layer of egg salad and enjoy. I especially like my egg salad on toasted bread or in pita bread. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey...I just noticed I haven't been to your blog in forever. I really like the new banner!

    This recipe sounds great...except for the chives. I only like egg salad on crackers for some reason, not on anything soft.


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