Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Grilled Balsamic Peaches with Parmesan

I know it doesn't look that good, but man, these need to be a go-to side dish for you when grilling.

Here's one of my summer efforts that I forgot to post, so I shall now.

I'm always on the lookout for grilled side dishes during the summer and based upon the balsamic grilled tomatoes (link here) I love to make I decided to have a go with peaches.

Oh these were so good. I actually ate one and a half of them before my dinner was even ready. The other thing is, even if the peaches aren't the best, or not quite ripe, because you are grilling them it will make little difference to the final product. They are deliciously sweet, with the tang of balsamic and what really sets it apart I think is, I sprinkled the top with the saltiness of parmesan cheese. The combination of sweet, salty parmesan, and tart balsamic was tremendous.

And, should you happen to try a bite of this along with a bite of your grilled steak which is topped with my award winning sauce?  Then you are living the Merlin Menu best meal I got to offer. (just joking, I got others, but this one is GOOD!)

Do give it a try if you would and let me know what you think.

Ingredients and Method:
2 ripe or close to ripe peaches
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
grated Parmesan cheese for garnish

Cut peaches carefully in half around the pit and remove. If the pit is hard to remove, leave it in as you
don't want to crush the peach trying to remove it.

Slash the cut side of the peach diagonally a few times (or cut around the pit if it is still in) and slowly
sprinkle with balsamic so it permeates the slits in the peach.

Place on tinfoil or small pan directly onto a hot grill and grill about 5 minutes until it is very soft.

Remove (it will be very soft so be careful), remove pit now if you left it in, slice each piece in half again,  and  sprinkle with Parmesan and serve immediately.


  1. Cool combinations, I need to try this for sure.

  2. This sounds amazing. Will be on the lookout for peaches so we can try it out ASAP!


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