Thursday, July 24, 2008


I didn't know what Meme's were, but I saw them referenced on several sites I read through my News Aggregator......

(Excuse me, but of COURSE you use a news aggregator, right? You don't surf to every site you want to see each day do you? If, by chance, you do, and I'm sure you don't.... try using Newsgator to collect all RSS feeds in one place. It's the only way to surf
the net, I swear)

Now, where was I? Oh Yeah...... (The first thing to go is your memory, and I can't quite recall what the second thing is)

So I've been seeing Meme's listed on sites and people responding to them by baking certain things, or doing certain things, and I figured out it's kind of a viral communication thing common to the internet. And apparently Food Bloggers galore "tag" each other to do certain things.

Well, my blog is new, and I think I've had a total of 103 hits in two weeks so obviously no one is going to "tag" me to do anything. Which is ok, not sure I want to feel obligated to do anything anyway.

BUT, today's meme was a playlist tag of favorite songs...... so I'm going to post one myself....

BTW, the last song by Antigone Rising? I work for a Coffee Company in Seattle, WA, (cough)and they discovered this 5 woman band, and they played live at our headquarters and whenI heard them, I could not believe how good they sounded. They've since broken up and the lead singer, Cassidy has gone on her own..... If you listen to her, I think you'll see why, she has an individual style and syncopation that I enjoy. (Did I just type syncopation? what is wrong with me?)

Anyway, here ya go....don't hate me for my selections.... it's what I like.... And the fact that it's mostly Country is my daughter's fault. More on that later.....

1 comment:

  1. Check out the last song I posted to mine . . . I've got a number of playlists started, but only posted one so far.


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