Saturday, September 20, 2008

Deep Dish Chicago Skillet Pizza

So...... a little background regarding Chicago style deep-dish pizza.....

Back when I was (I actually still am somebody but I don't travel like I used to)

I used to travel to Chicago like 4 or 5 times a year.

And always, always, during the trip, we would go have Chicago Style deep dish pizza.....

Couple of things about Chicago pizza....It's unusual....

It's the crust, and it's DEEP, then the cheese, then the toppings, and THEN the sauce is all over the top..... This is NOT Papa John's or Pizza Hut....!

But I always LOVED it...... One of the places we always went to was...Uno's

So, here's the deal.....(I say that a lot, I know) So here's the deal....the other night, I was watching TV and something I was watching featured a deep dish authentic Chicago Style Pizza.....

And I thought, as I watched it, Damn, that looks good, wish I could make and blog that....and then I thought, if I only had a deep-dish pizza pan, I bet I could...... And then....and then....

I thought, hold on! I got a 12 inch cast iron pan I cook and bake in ALL the time, why can't I use that?

So............... here ya go..... My homemade Deep Dish Chicago Style Pizza.... (seriously, do try this, I think you'll like it)


The dough:

3/4 cup warm water, almost hot
2 tbl olive oil
2 pkg yeast
1 tbl honey or sugar
1/4 c cornmeal
1 c flour

At this point "proof the yeast" mix the above ingredients together, and let sit for 15 -20 minutes.....If the mixture becomes foamy, you're good to go, If not, dump it out and start over.

Then into the yeast/honey mixture blend in 2 tsp salt, 1/4 c cornmeal, and 1 c flour.....

To be honest, it will probably take like almost another cup of flour, but the secret is to add flour in 1/4 cups increments, and totally incorporate. When the batter is totally sticking to the spoon, or paddle..... (Please see, and please get..... The Bad Boy)

Then it is ready to spoon out onto a floured board, then sprinkle flour over the top, and knead it 3 or 4 times....

Then you have an option, you can let it rise then in a covered oiled bowl for an hour, or place it into an oiled bowl, covered, overnight or up to 24 hours.....

When I made this one, I left the dough covered overnight in the refrigerator, and then the next evening, took it out, let it warm to room temperature, and it rose again, and then I pounded it down, (to take the air out of the risen dough)....kneaded a couple of times only, and then rolled it out to fit the size of the pan....(12 inches)

Prepare whatever meat or additions you want on the pizza.... I chose bacon, but you can do sausage, pepperoni, or obviously whatever you want.....

For the sauce..... place the contents of a 28 oz. can of tomatoes in a strainer and let it drain all the liquid out....

Now, grease the skillet with olive oil and sprinkle some cornmeal into it and swish them around to distribute and dump the excess out.... (The cornmeal acts like little BB's to keep the dough from sticking)

Take the rolled out dough, lay half over the other half, and lower into the skillet and unroll and press the dough into the pan.... building up the sides.... No need to be even, just roll it up the sides....

Take whole mozzarella and slice into thin slices and cover the bottom of the dough....

I then take processed sliced mozzarella and place that over the cheese I've already covered it with....

Now layer whatever meat you've chosen to use....

Lastly.....pour the tomato sauce over the top........ and spread evenly....

Then, sprinkle the top of the sauce liberally with Italian seasonings.....

Lastly, sprinkle the entire pie with Parmesan cheese....

Bake at 425 degrees for 45 minutes or until all is golden brown, including the crust....



  1. Oh my god! That looks incredible! It's going on my Must Make list.

    Very cool to see another Seattlite writing about food. I'm in the Philippines now, but grew up in Seattle.

    My life would be perfect right now if I had recipes for: Dick's tartar sauce and Caveman Kitchen's BBQ beef sandwiches.

  2. Oops, hit Send too soon ... your pizza reminds me of the pizzas made at My Brother's Pizza on 45th between the two movie screens.


Thanks for the visit and your comment.